American Auto Trimming Co. Ltd.
Walkerville, 1911 - 1925

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Ford 1915 Model T. Paint and trim by American Auto.
The body paint and trim of this Model T was most likely the work of The American Auto Trimming Co. of Walkerville.

The formation of this company was the beginning of the long association between Frank Joyce and Benjamin Gotfredson of Detroit with the City of Windsor. Gotfredson started the American Auto Trimming Co. in Detroit in 1909 and the American Auto Trimming Co. of Walkerville in 1911. 

The company was set up to paint and trim touring car bodies and by the 20's it was the largest paint and trim company in North America, with operations in Detroit, Cleveland and Los Angeles to name a few.

The American Auto Trimming Co of Walkerville was put in place to provide paint and trim for the Model Ts built by the Ford Motor Company of Canada.

Benjamin Gotfredson and Frank joyce also established the Gotfredson Truck Corp. and merged the two companies in 1925 to form the Gotfredson Corp.

Visit the Official Gotfredson Website
