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Nutrition Websites

18 results

American Dietetic Association
The American Dietetic Association web page provides a great volume of information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise. Information is provided through tips pages and fact sheets. There is also a resource center for further information on nutrition from the ADA and affiliated organization.

Arbor Nutrition
Arbor Nutrition is maintained by Dr. Tony Helman (MB, BS, Dip.Obst.RCOG, Mast.Med, D.Hum.Nutr, MRACGP), a “physician and nutritionist based in Australia.” The site contains a large volume of credible links to various nutrition and diet pages under the main categories of food, food science, applied, home pages (of nutrition organizations), and searching. Each heading has numerous sub-topics for more specific information. A very comprehensive and well-organized site.

Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition
The National Institute of Nutrition provides nutritional information on a broad range of topics in both English and French versions. It also provides a Nutritional Food Guide with links to resource information on food and health eating.

Center for Science in the Public Interest
This site provides the latest articles on nutrition in the news. Emphasis is placed on Canadian nutrition and law.

CHN Health Center: Healthy Eating
The Canadian Health Network is a partner of Health Canada and provides credible, medical information and news on the web. “Health info you can trust.” The Healthy Eating center provides a number of credible links to nutrition information on the web. Emphasis is placed on Canadian sites and information.

Cyberdiet.com was founded by Timi Gustafson, RD, and Cynthia Fink. “Cyberdiet features a vast array of nutritional information, interactive tools, discussion groups and more to help users reach their goals.” This site provides information and tools in a well-organized and thorough manner.

Dieticians of Canada
This is the official web site of the Dieticians of Canada. It contains nutrition profiles, a meal planner, frequently asked questions about nutrition, and links to finding a nutritionist.

Food and Nutrition Information Center
This site is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. It contains information on dietary supplements, food consumption, dietary guidelines, the food pyramid, and a large number of links to specific information on nutrition.

Food and Nutrition Information Center
The Food and Nutrition Information Center is located at the National Agriculture Library, part of the US Department of Agriculture. This site provides consumer information and links to other websites on nutrition, diet and health.

Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating is an independent project by Nancy Frawley, an avid health promotions worker in the community. This site provides the basics of nutrition, healthy eating information, information pertaining to age groups from kids to seniors, physical activity information, and diseases and conditions. A very comprehensive site.

Nutrio.com provides information on nutrition, fitness, mind/body, health and nutritional information for children. It also provides tools in calculating ideal weight, body mass index, calorie burn, target heart rate and fast food facts among several others. References on this site include vitamins, minerals, understanding nutrition and package labels and food pyramids.

Nutrition Analysis Tool
This page is hosted by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It includes tools for nutritional analysis of foods from a large database.

Nutrition Navigator
This site provides rated links to a number of nutrition sites under the categories of general nutrition, journalists, family, women, men, news, hot topics, health professionals, special dietary needs, and educators.

Partnership for Food Safety Education FightBAC!
This site provides consumer information on food safety in the home.

The Vegetarian Resource Group
This site provides news pertinent to vegetarians, recipes, vegetarian nutrition information, a journal, vegetarian children information, frequently asked questions, and tips on quantity cooking.

Using the Food Guide
This site is maintained by Health Canada. It contains information on eating properly based on the nutritional contents of foods. The basics of dietary needs are discussed, but great detail is not provided. There is also an Abode Acrobat (PDF) format available.

This site provides current and a broad range of topics regarding general vegetarian issues. The site also provides links to related message boards.

You Are What You Eat: A Guide To Good Nutrition
This site is maintained by Get Schooled, a web site aimed at issues affecting college students. Their nutrition guide is a complete source of information on eating right. It contains information from the basics and technical details of nutrition through to the real-life applications that one can use to eat right.

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