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Chicken Pox Websites

4 results

BabyCenter - The Chicken Pox Vaccine
A very well laid out site informing parents of the decisions to be made whether or not their child should get the varicella vaccine. Outlining the possible side effects, complications, and related factors, this site offers a large amount of information helping to keep parents in the know.

KidsHealth for Kids – Chicken Pox
The KidsHealth site is separated into three sections: Parents, Teens, and Kids. The site has very helpful tabs on each article, which offer not only the article itself, but related articles and additional resources. Directed towards children, this site offers information in a fun and easy to understand format. Everything is explained in detail and will leave your child with very few questions at the end.

KidsHealth for Parents - Varicella (Chicken Pox)
The KidsHealth site is separated into three sections: Parents, Teens, and Kids. The site has very helpful tabs on each article, which offer not only the article itself, but related articles and additional resources. This section deals with the Varicella Infection otherwise known as Chicken Pox and relates to the parents out there. Includes prevention, symptoms, home care, and when to call your doctor.

Varicella (Chicken Pox) - McKinley Health Center
McKinley has created a very well informed site that deals with all the major aspects of the varicella virus. Symptoms, prevention, complications, and additional information is available here.

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