5 results
Dermatology Channel
The Dermatology Channel outlines specific features concerning fungal infections. Most prevalent are the risk factors associated with antibiotic use, corticosteroid use, medical conditions, compromised immune system, environmental factors, hereditary factors, and the spreading of fungal infections.
KidsHealth for Kids - Fungal Infections
The KidsHealth site is separated into three sections: Parents, Teens, and Kids. The site has very helpful tabs on each article, which offer not only the article itself, but related articles and additional resources. Don't be fooled by the appearance of this site, this is a very informative and easily read piece of information. An excellent source of material on all different types of fungal infections, as well as some in depth information on a few specific areas, KidsHealth has a very well rounded website.
MEDLINEplus - Fungal Infections
A service of the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE offers comprehensive information on any and all subjects. This link takes you to the Fungal Infections section of MEDLINE, which helps the user find extensive information on most fungal infections. With clinical trials, research studies, and specific conditions, all information is reliable and up to date.
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
A rather in depth and physician orientated website, this site is very useful in the aspect of finding specific details on very specific types of fungal infections. Included at the end of this article is a listing or related aricles/suggested readings from other medical journals.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The division of microbiology and infectious diseases has laid out a very easy to understand and patient oriented website here. Not only has NIAID included some very helpful general information, but links to news releases, reports and articles, outlines from conferences that dealt with fungal infections, and much more.
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