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Immunization Websites

7 results

Canadian Immunization Awareness Program
With a very helpful “Frequently Asked Questions” section, the Canadian Immunization Awareness Program outlines and answers many questions that parents may have. Also included are sections on “what is immunization”, “when to get your kids immunized”, and “resources for parents and healthcare providers”, among others.

Immunization Action Coalition
The mission of the Immunization Action Coalition, “is to boost immunization rates and prevent disease.” Sited as the premier source for childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization information, this site is in close collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and therefore can be counted on for reliable and up to date information.

With a number of helpful sections, ImmunoInfo is an excellent place to begin your search for, “the best in vaccine and antibody information.” This site includes information on: US-Canadian Vaccine Recommendations, State-International Vaccine Information, Practice and Safety Information, and a newly added section on Bio-terrorism Watch.

MEDLINEplus - Immunization/Vaccination
A service of the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE offers comprehensive information on any and all subjects. Specifically in the Immunization/Vaccination section, there’s a wealth of information including: latest news, general information/overviews, information from other sections of the national institutes of health, pictures/diagrams, research, specific conditions, and much more.

National Immunization Program
The Center for Disease Control has posted an excellent site with comprehensive information detailing all the aspects of immunization. With a general information section that enables you to find nearly all of the pertinent info available on the web today in terms of immunization, this site is very helpful.

National Network for Immunization Information
A very well designed site with “Immunization Newsbriefs”, “Featured News”, and a very helpful section called “Evaluating Info on the Web” which helps confused web-browsers navigate through all the information available on the web dealing with immunization and evaluating their accuracy.

National Partnership for Immunization
The National Partnership for Immunization is dedicated to, “Promoting Immunization Across the Lifespan.” With links to General Vaccine Information, Immunization Links, Resources, Safety Reference Guide, Bioterrorism, and many more, this site is a comprehensive educational and preventative program.

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