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Infections of the Skin Websites

4 results

American Academy of Family Physicians
An excellent resource for almost any skin or wound infection. This comprehensive site offers in depth information in an easy to understand format. There are many, many infections listed all with excellent definitions and methods of treatment. Also helpful is an introduction to bacterial infections, warts, fungal and yeast infections, and wound infections.

Cornell University - Dermatopathology
Outlining a number of skin infections, the Weill Medical College of Cornell University has detailed here not only many different types of skin infections, but also certain treatments, microscopic examples, and the general appearance of most of the infections.

Postgraduate Medicine - Fungal Skin Infections in Children
An article titled Fungal Skin Infections in Children as published in Postgraduate Medicine Journal, outlines the tools commonly used to diagnose, common manifestations, and most effective treatments of pediatric fungal infections. Although at times, the language of the article is a bit overwhelming at times, this is a very good article for specifics when dealing with “Critters and Kids” as the authors have labeled them.

University of Maryland Medicine
Included in the University of Maryland’s database of information on infections are: bacterial infections, fungal infections, viral infections, and parasitic infections. An excellent tool included on this site in the Online Resources link which offers an internet address that may contain additional information on any of the subjects listed.

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