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Urinary Tract Infections Websites

7 results

American Academy of Family Physicians - UTI's
With a number of informative and easily understandable graphs and charts, the American Academy of Family Physicians has put together a wonderfully educational website that can be read and understood by physicians and the general public alike.

Kidney.ca - Urinary Tract Infections
Primarily a site for women, helpful information is available none-the-less. Arranged in a Question and Answer format, one can find all sorts of answers to common (and not-so-common) questions dealing with urinary tract infections.

KidsHealth for Kids - Painful Pee
The KidsHealth site is separated into three sections: Parents, Teens, and Kids. The site has very helpful tabs on each article, which offer not only the article itself, but related articles and additional resources. Written in terms even a young child could understand, yet educational enough for a parent to obtain help from, this site is an excellent resource for people of all ages.

KidsHealth for Parents - Urinary Tract Infections
The KidsHealth site is separated into three sections: Parents, Teens, and Kids. The site has very helpful tabs on each article, which offer not only the article itself, but related articles and additional resources. This article, written specifically for parents and their dealings with urinary tract infections of their children, is very helpful for a number of reason, not least of which is the understandable text and sentencing they use.

MEDLINEplus - Urinary Tract Infections
A service of the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE offers comprehensive information on any and all subjects. With this specific site, Urinary Tract Infections are concentrated on and are very well described and researched. Noteworthy is the link to NIDDK stating it as, “The primary NIH organization for research on Urinary Tract Infection…”

National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Hosted by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), the adult and kids site is loaded with very helpful information. Since NIDDK is part of the National Institute of Health, there is a guarantee that this is reliable and veritably precise information.

Urinary Tract Infections
A website strictly devoted to helping those with UTI’s, Urinary Tract Infections.com is a primary site when seeking any type of information regarding the aforementioned ailment. With links to Bladder Disorders.com and a number of other related problems, this comprehensive site offers data comparable to any other.

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