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Degenerative Disc Disease/Sciatica Websites

6 results

Degenerative Disc Disease
MedicineNet.com is “an online, healthcare media publishing company”. The company has a network of 70 U.S. Board Certified physicians who provide information. The sites provide a comprehensive amount of material regarding degenerative disc disease and sciatica. There is a link to basic descriptive information about the conditions. As well, there are links to descriptions of specific treatments and diagnostic tools, including CAT scan, MRI scan and medication links. As well, there are links to information about related conditions, such as radiculopathy and bony enroachment.

Degenerative Disc Disease Condition Centre
Spine Universe is “dedicated to the mission of being the most comprehensive Internet portal for information on the spine”. Its editorial board is made up of medical spine specialists on an international level. This page provides many useful links to articles about both general degenerative disc disease, as well as articles about treatment, including both ‘conservative’ treatments and surgical options. A particularly interesting link takes the viewer to a video overview regarding anterior cervical fusion.

MedicineNet.com is “an online, healthcare media publishing company”. The company has a network of 70 U.S. Board Certified physicians who provide information. The sites provide a comprehensive amount of material regarding degenerative disc disease and sciatica. There is a link to basic descriptive information about the conditions. As well, there are links to descriptions of specific treatments and diagnostic tools, including CAT scan, MRI scan and medication links. As well, there are links to information about related conditions, such as radiculopathy and bony enroachment.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons prepared this site. It provides a good general overview of sciatica as a condition, as well as general treatment options. The description of symptoms is a particularly well-written section. The language allows a person to understand quickly what the symptoms feel like.

The National Library of Medicine prepared and maintains this site. It provides many links to information sources regarding sciatica, including material on clinical trials, diagnosis and symptoms of sciatica and related directories and organizations.

Sciatica Condition Centre
Spine Universe is “dedicated to the mission of being the most comprehensive Internet portal for information on the spine”. Its editorial board is made up of medical spine specialists on an international level. This page provides many links to relevant articles concerning aspects of sciatica including a large section of interesting links to articles related to recovery, such as the effect smoking has on spine fusions and a review of aquatic therapy.

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