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Epidural Abscesses Websites

3 results

Epidural Abscess
The National Library of Medicine prepared this enyclopedia entry. It contains a list of alternative names, symptoms, treatments, prognosis, prevention and complications.

Spinal Diseases and Disorders – Spinal Epidural Abscess
Prepared by UCLA Neurosurgery, this site profiles the condition. It discusses the locations of such abscesses, the clinical features, causes of the infection, as well as a discussion regarding diagnosis and treatment.

Spinal Infection: Epidural Abscesses
Spine Universe is “dedicated to the mission of being the most comprehensive Internet portal for information on the spine”. Its editorial board is made up of medical spine specialists on an international level. This article contains a thorough description of the above condition: how it is diagnosed and a thorough discussion of complications, which may arise. This article also uses technical language.

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