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Osteoporosis (Age-Related Bone Loss) Websites

8 results

Ask Noah About: Osteoporosis
This site provides links to many articles about this disease. It is very current as it is updated on an ongoing basis. Articles relate to topics such as bone density testing, prevention and diagnosis, care and treatment, as well as clinical trials. There is also material on this disease as it relates to gender and race.

National Institutes of Health - Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases – National Resource Centre (Support Site
This site provides a lot of research about osteoporosis. It includes a listserv so that participants can obtain ongoing news information. It also has fact sheets about various bone diseases, including osteoporosis and research bibliographies to enable people to follow up with further research. A particularly valuable link is to the ‘What’s New’ page, which provides press releases and breaking information about this condition.

National Osteoporosis Foundation (Support Site
This is an American site that provides a wealth of information including latest news updates regarding treatment, and links to support groups. Advocacy is also an important component of this organization, so there is detailed material regarding this aspect as well.

Prepared by The Arthritis Society of Canada, this page profiles this disorder. It includes information about its prevalence, causes, warning signs and what can be done to manage it.

The authoritative National Library of Medicine prepared this concise encylopedia article. It contains illustrations, as well as information about its prognosis, symptoms, complications, treatments and tests.

Information on this site is provided by the National Institute of Health. There are a selection of links concerning news, general disease information, diagnosis/symptoms, disease management, nutrition and prevention/screening.

Osteoporosis Online
This is the website of the Osteoporosis Society of Canada. It provides description, prevention and diagnosis information about osteoporosis, as well as FAQs, a calcium calculator, a glossary and a listing of calcium-rich recipes.

What is Osteoporosis?
Prepared by the well-regarded Mayo Clinic, this site provides information concerning signs and symptoms of osteoporosis, as well as treatment, which includes self-care options. It also has useful related links embedded into the text.

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