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Transverse Myelitis Websites

5 results

Johns Hopkins Transverse Myelitis Center
This site, prepared by renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital, provides a vast amount of information about the condition, including a page describing other disorders that are related to transverse myelitis, definitions, a page of references, as well as a thorough discussion about available treatments.

Starbright World (Chat Site)  (Support Site
This site provides information about a program that has been set up for seriously ill children. While most participants are children in American hospitals, it is noted that The Hospital for Sick Children is a member of this program. Through this program, children between the ages of 7 – 18 who have transverse myelitis can connect with other children via email or chat and share experiences.

Transverse Myelitis Association (Chat Site)  (Support Site
This organization is non-profit; the Association “facilitates support and networking opportunities amongst TM families; provides educational information functions as a clearinghouse for articles and research literature about the TM diagnosis; and investigates, advocates for and supports research and innovative treatment efforts”. Its website provides newsletters, information about specialists who work in the field, drug treatments, and other related information. This site also provides a link to support features, which are an opportunity for those with transverse myelitis to link up with others with the condition. It features a listserv, a very active discussion board, as well as live chat. There is also an extensive archive of messages and notices dating back to 1996. While there are chat FAQs and guidelines regarding use, it does not appear to be moderated.

Transverse Myelitis Fact Sheet
This page is set up in Q & A format. Prepared by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, it features information on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. It also has a discussion of current research and a list of related organizations.

Transverse Myelitis: A Guide for Patients and Carers
Presented in PDF format, this is an easy to read 10-page booklet prepared by the British Brain and Spine Foundation with discussion of causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, the future and a glossary of terms. Simon Hawke, a Clinical senior lecturer in Neurology and Neuroimmunology Imperial School of Medicine, Charing Cross Hospital, wrote it.

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