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Pregnancy and Reproductive Health: Becoming Pregnant Websites

3 results

This is an excellent educational site that addresses many aspects of preconception and post-conception. It features a search engine, newsletter, and provides references to the information available. Some of the topics this site addresses include: Preconception checklist (medical history, blood pressure check, pelvic exam, pap smear, urinalysis, blood test, immunization records, thyroid function test, parasitic and viral disease check, genetic testing), Advice before pregnancy (diet, weight, exercise, alcohol/drug/smoking), hcG levels and when to test, Ovulation and Ovulation Calendar (menstrual cycle, temperature chart, Endometrial biopsy, Progesterone blood test, Ovulation predictor kits and more), Looking after yourself and much more. The site also offers information on infertility, baby development, complications during pregnancy and many other issues of interest to couples trying to conceive.

Baby Med.com - A Healthy Pregnancy Online
This site offers interactive tools and in-depth information for couples who are trying to conceive. The site is filled with information on early pregnancy and conception such as the intricate details of the menstrual cycle, your prenatal care, pregnancy terminology, exercise guidelines, tips for healthy pregnancy, dental care, fertility charting, cervical mucus and ovulation, pregnancy diagnosis/tests, early pregnancy symptoms, pre-term labor, complications, environmental exposure and much more. The site offers great tools to help organize the details of conception such as Pregnancy Time Table, Conception Calendar and My Baby Data. The preconception counseling and planning section offers nutrition information, how to prevent birth defects, Folate information, Basal Metabolic Index information and much more. The site also addresses some of the problems the couple might experience such as menstrual period concerns, medical issues, infections, and much more.

The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination (Support Site
“INCIID (pronounced "inside") is a non-profit organization committed to using the Internet to provide the most current information regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infertility and pregnancy loss. Dedicated to helping infertile couples explore their family-building options, including treatment, adoption and choosing to live childfree, INCIID's purpose is entirely educational.” This site offers Reproductive News and Research, Medical Topic Bulletin Boards, Infertility FAQ, Case Reports and discussions, Doctor Review of latest literature in reproductive medicine, Infertility expert moderated chat events, mailing list, references, and links to similar sites. Some of the topics covered include: Infertility and Pregnancy Loss, Pregnancy after Infertility and Loss, Adoption Forums, Parenting Forums, Living Childfree, Fact sheets and much more.

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