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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Websites

5 results

Dr. Pfanstiel: Respiratory Syncytial Virus
“Dr. Pfanstiel.com is designed for you to be able to access the latest information about Dr. Pfanstiel's Practice of Pediatrics online. You'll find information on vaccinations, feeding schedules and advice for your child, as well as useful preventative medicine and child raising tips.” The RSV section of the web site provides a pamphlet of basic information on respiratory syncytial virus. The pamphlet is brief, and in lay language. An e-mail link is provided for more specific questions to be directed to the doctors.

Information for Parents
Information for parents regarding Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Detailed in: Frequently Asked Questions, Which Babies are at Risk?, Protecting Your Child from RSV, Information, and Links to Related Sites. An excellent source of information on the preventative practices available to protect a child from RSV, as well as information on the disease itself.

NREVSS – Respiratory Syncytial Virus
This page is provided by the National Center for Infectious Diseases’ National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System, a division of the Centers for Disease Control. The RSV page includes clinical features of the virus, a definition of the virus, epidemiological features, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention information. Great detail is not achieved in this page, but necessary general information is provided from this reputable source.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus
This site is provided by the Canadian Lung Association. Information provided on RSV includes a general overview, symptoms, prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, recurrence, and after-effects. This page does not provide detailed information on RSV, but it should serve as a valuable starting point for those interested in learning more about RSV.

Information on RSV aimed at healthcare professionals. Because of this, the information provided is presented in a somewhat technical manner. Information provided is categorized under: background and epidemiology, guidelines for prevention, products, reimbursement assistance, RSV Protection Program, links, and requesting medical information. Valuable information is provided, however the site was provided by a grant from the makers of Synagis, and is biased toward it as a treatment product.

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