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Sarcoidosis (Pulmonary) Websites

4 results

The Canadian Lung Association provides this site. Information provided on sarcoidosis includes a general description of the disease, causes, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and tips. This page does not provide detailed information on sarcoidosis, but it should serve as a valuable starting point for those interested in learning more about sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis Center
This website is maintained by a pulmonologist specializing in sarcoidosis, Norman T. Soskel, M.D. It houses an impressive volume of information on sarcoidosis as well as a large number of links to external sources. The main site provides some basic information and statistics on sarcoidosis, and the provided articles present information in a more technical, thorough manner. This site is highly recommended for anybody seeking to learn more about sarcoidosis, whether as a starting point or for more detailed information.

Sarcoidosis – NIH – NHLBI
This site is provided by the National Institute of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The sarcoidosis booklet provided by the site includes information under an introduction, usual symptoms, who gets sarcoidosis, what sarcoidosis is not, what we don’t know, about sarcoidosis, course of the disease, management, diagnosis, research status in sarcoidosis, living with sarcoidosis, for more information, and a glossary. The information presented is very reputable and goes into moderate detail in language that is easy to understand.

The World Sarcoidosis Society
Previously known as the Canadian Sarcoidosis Society, this group and site provides a place for exchange of personal stories for sufferers of sarcoidosis and their families. A brief section is compiled describing the disease, but the dominant theme of the site is one of patient support. Many personal stories are provided both for support and for information purposes. Also provided is a page of recent news relating to sarcoidosis. Contact information to volunteers is provided; volunteers can give (non-professional) advice to other affected by sarcoidosis, as well, the Cyber Pals section allows people to find others to contact for support and to exchange information. If looking for medical information, this link would not be recommended, however it is an excellent support society with worldwide presence.

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