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Smoking Cessation Websites

4 results

Quick Stats and Statistics
This site is provided by the Canadian Lung Association. The information provided is a link to a number of statistical sites, both within the Lung Association and from other reputable Canadian sources. Information provided does not include details on how to quit smoking, but it is an excellent reference source for Canadian-based statistics on smoking.

A website that has been dedicated to the cause of smoking cessation since 1994. This site provides an impressive amount of information on smoking, cigarettes, and quitting. Great detail is provided in areas of smoking too great to list. This site is likely the best source for smoking cessation information on the web. Highly recommended!

Smoking Cessation
This site is provided by the Canadian Lung Association. The information provided is tailored to the main concerns characteristic of smoking cessation difficulties. The provided pages include “I’m not ready to quit yet”, “I’m concerned about stress and weight gain”, “I want to quit smoking”, I’m having withdrawal symptoms”, “I want to stay a non-smoker”, “I’m pregnant and I want to quit smoking”, “I’m a friend of a smoker”, “I would like to order some materials”. The information provided is easy to understand but goes into great detail. An excellent source of information on smoking cessation, remaining smoke-free, and helping others try to quit. All information provided includes links to a page on how to order brochures of the specific page.

You Can Quit Smoking
This booklet is provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services. It includes a large amount of credible information on how to quit smoking. The information provided includes reasons for quitting smoking, steps to take in order to quit, some available medications for smoking cessation, and information on relapse. An excellent overview and simple outline on smoking cessation.

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