Unless otherwise noted, all artifacts belong to the Detroit & Canada Tunnel Corporation.

Postcard of Windsor Plaza

Postcard of Tunnel Buses Within the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel

Postcard of Detroit-Windsor Tunnel

Pin for the 20th Birthday of the Tunnel

1955 Annual Report of the Detroit-Canada Tunnel Corporation - 25th Anniversary

The American Consulting Engineers Council 1981 Honor Award of Engineering

1935 Balance Sheet

Joint Dedicatory Program

Tunnel Cash Bag

Chrome-Plated Pin

Chrome-Plated Pin

Original Tunnel Tile Flag, Circa 1930

The Tunnel Opens

Tunnel Advertisement

United States of America Tunnel Tile

Dominion of Canada tunnel tile

Renovations 93

"One of the great engineering wonders of the world"

Commutation Tickets

Commutation Tickets

Commutation Tickets